Thursday, November 27, 2014

‘My preparations are complete,’ said Hercule Poirot.
With a little sigh he stepped back a pace or two and contemplated his arrangement of one of the unoccupied hotel bedrooms.

Colonel Carbury, leaning inelegantly against the bed which had been pushed against the wall, smiled as he puffed at his pipe. ‘Funny feller, aren’t you, Poirot?’ he said. ‘Like to dramatize things.’
‘Perhaps—that is true,’ admitted the little detective. ‘But indeed it is not all self-indulgence. If one plays a comedy, one must first set the scene.’
‘Is this a comedy?’
‘Even if it is a tragedy—there, too, the décor must be correct.’
Colonel Carbury looked at him curiously.
‘Well,’ he said, ‘it’s up to you! I don’t know what you’re driving at. I gather, though, that you’ve got something.’
‘I shall have the honour to present to you what you asked me for—the truth!’
‘Do you think we can get a conviction?’
‘That, my friend, I did not promise you.’
‘True enough. Maybe I’m glad you haven’t. It depends.’
‘My arguments are mainly psychological,’ said Poirot.
Colonel Carbury sighed. ‘I was afraid they might be.’
‘But they will convince you,’ Poirot reassured him. ‘Oh, yes, they will convince you. The truth, I have always thought, is curious and beautiful.’
‘Sometimes,’ said Colonel Carbury, ‘it’s damned unpleasant.’
‘No, no.’ Poirot was earnest. ‘You take there the personal view. Take instead the abstract, the detached point of vision. Then the absolute logic of events is fascinating and orderly.’
‘I’ll try to look on it that way,’ said the Colonel.
Poirot glanced at his watch, a large grotesque turnip of a watch.
‘But yes, indeed, it belonged to my grandfather.’
‘Thought it might have done.’
‘It is time to commence our proceedings,’ said Poirot. ‘You, mon Colonel, will sit here behind this table in an official position.’
‘Oh, all right,’ Carbury grunted. ‘You don’t want me to put my uniform on, do you?’
‘No, no. If you would permit that I straightened your tie.’ He suited the action to the word. Colonel Carbury grinned again, sat down in the chair indicated and a moment later, unconsciously, tweaked his tie round under his left ear again.
‘Here,’ continued Poirot, slightly altering the position of the chairs, ‘we place la famille Boynton.
‘And over here,’ he went on, ‘we will place the three outsiders who have a definite stake in the case. Dr Gerard, on whose evidence the case for the prosecution depends. Miss Sarah King, who has two separate interests in the case, a personal one, and that of medical examiner. Also Mr Jefferson Cope, who was on intimate terms with the Boyntons and so may be definitely described as an interested party.’
He broke off. ‘Aha—here they come.’
He opened the door to admit the party.
Lennox Boynton and his wife came in first. Raymond and Carol followed. Ginevra walked by herself, a faint, faraway smile on her lips. Dr Gerard and Sarah King brought up the rear. Mr Jefferson Cope was a few minutes late and came in with an apology.
When he had taken his place Poirot stepped forward.
‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ he said, ‘this is an entirely informal gathering. It has come about through the accident of my presence in Amman. Colonel Carbury did me the honour to consult me—’
Poirot was interrupted. The interruption came from what was seemingly the most unlikely quarter. Lennox Boynton said suddenly and pugnaciously:
‘Why? Why the devil should he bring you into this business?’
Poirot waved a hand gracefully.
‘Me, I am often called in in cases of sudden death.’
Lennox Boynton said: ‘Doctors send for you whenever there is a case of heart failure?’
Poirot said gently: ‘Heart failure is such a very loose and unscientific term.’
Colonel Carbury cleared his throat. It was an official noise. He spoke in an official tone.
‘Best to make it quite clear. Circumstance of death reported to me. Very natural occurrence. Weather unusually hot—journey a very trying one for an elderly lady in bad health. So far all quite clear. But Dr Gerard came to me and volunteered a statement—’
He looked inquiringly at Poirot. Poirot nodded.
‘Dr Gerard is a very eminent physician with a worldwide reputation. Any statement he makes is bound to be received with attention. Dr Gerard’s statement was as follows. On the morning after Mrs Boynton’s death he noted that a certain quantity of a powerful drug acting on the heart was missing from his medical supplies. On the previous afternoon he had noticed the disappearance of a hypodermic syringe. Syringe was returned during the night. Final point—there was a puncture on the dead woman’s wrist corresponding to the mark of a hypodermic syringe.’
Colonel Carbury paused.
‘In these circumstances I considered that it was the duty of those in authority to inquire into the matter. M. Hercule Poirot was my guest and very considerately offered his highly specialized services. I gave him full authority to make any investigations he pleased. We are assembled here now to hear his report on the matter.’
There was silence—a silence so acute that you could have heard—as the saying is—a pin drop. Actually someone did drop what was probably a shoe in the next room. It sounded like a bomb in the hushed atmosphere.
Poirot cast a quick glance at the little group of three people on his right, then turned his gaze to the five people huddled together on his left—a group of people with frightened eyes.
Poirot said quietly: ‘When Colonel Carbury mentioned this business to me, I gave him my opinion as an expert. I told him that it might not be possible to bring proof—such proof as would be admissible in a court of law—but I told him very definitely that I was sure I could arrive at the truth—simply by questioning the people concerned. For let me tell you this, my friends, to investigate a crime it is only necessary to let the guilty party or parties talk—always, in the end, they tell you what you want to know!’ He paused.
‘So, in this case, although you have lied to me, you have also, unwittingly, told me the truth.’
He heard a faint sigh, the scrape of a chair on the floor to his right, but he did not look round. He continued to look at the Boyntons.
‘First, I examined the possibility of Mrs Boynton having died a natural death—and I decided against it. The missing drug—the hypodermic syringe—and above all, the attitude of the dead lady’s family all convinced me that that supposition could not be entertained.
‘Not only was Mrs Boynton killed in cold blood—but every member of her family was aware of the fact! Collectively they reacted as guilty parties.
‘But there are degrees in guilt. I examined the evidence carefully with a view to ascertaining whether the murder—yes, it was murder—had been committed by the old lady’s family acting on a concerted plan.
‘There was, I may say, overwhelming motive. One and all stood to gain by her death—both in the financial sense—for they would at once attain financial independence and indeed enjoy very considerable wealth—and also in the sense of being freed from what had become an almost insupportable tyranny.
‘To continue: I decided, almost immediately, that the concerted theory would not hold water. The stories of the Boynton family did not dovetail neatly into each other, and no system of workable alibis had been arranged. The facts seemed more to suggest that one—or possibly two—members of the family had acted in collusion and that the others were accessories after the fact. I next considered which particular member or members—were indicated. Here, I may say, I was inclined to be biased by a certain piece of evidence known only to myself.’
Here Poirot recounted his experience in Jerusalem.
‘Naturally, that pointed very strongly to Mr Raymond Boynton as the prime mover in the affair. Studying the family, I came to the conclusion that the most likely recipient of his confidences that night would be his sister Carol. They strongly resembled each other in appearance and temperament, and so would have a keen bond of sympathy and they also possessed the nervous rebellious temperament necessary for the conception of such an act. That their motive was partly unselfish—to free the whole family and particularly their younger sister—only made the planning of the deed more plausible.’ Poirot paused a minute.
Raymond Boynton half opened his lips, then shut them again. His eyes looked steadily at Poirot with a kind of dumb agony in them.
‘Before I go into the case against Raymond Boynton, I would like to read to you a list of significant points which I drew up and submitted to Colonel Carbury this afternoon.

Significant points

Mrs Boynton was taking a mixture containing digitalin.
Dr Gerard missed a hypodermic syringe.
Mrs Boynton took definite pleasure in keeping her family from enjoying themselves with other people.
Mrs Boynton, on the afternoon in question, encouraged her family to go away and leave her.
Mrs Boynton is a mental sadist.
The distance from the marquee to the place where Mrs Boynton was sitting is (roughly) two hundred yards.
Mr Lennox Boynton said at first he did not know what time he returned to the camp, but later he admitted having set his mother’s wrist-watch to the right time.
Dr Gerard and Miss Genevra Boynton occupied tents next door to each other.
At half-past six, when dinner was ready, a servant was dispatched to announce the fact to Mrs Boynton.
Mrs Boynton, in Jerusalem, used these words: “I never forget. Remember that. I’ve never forgotten anything.”

‘Although I have numbered the points separately, occasionally they can be bracketed in pairs. That is the case, for instance, with the first two. Mrs Boynton taking a mixture containing digitalis. Dr Gerard had missed a hypodermic syringe. Those two points were the first thing that struck me about the case, and I may say to you that I found them most extraordinary—and quite irreconcilable. You do not see what I mean? No matter. I will return to the point presently. Let it suffice that I noticed those two points as something that had definitely got to be explained satisfactorily.
‘I will conclude now with my study of the possibility of Raymond Boynton’s guilt. The following are the facts. He had been heard to discuss the possibility of taking Mrs Boynton’s life. He was in a condition of great nervous excitement. He had—mademoiselle will forgive me’—he bowed apologetically to Sarah—‘just passed through a moment of great emotional crisis. That is, he had fallen in love. The exaltation of his feelings might lead him to act in one of several ways. He might feel mellowed and softened towards the world in general, including his stepmother—he might feel the courage at last to defy her and shake off her influence—or he might find just the additional spur to turn his crime from theory to practice. That is the psychology! Let us now examine the facts.
‘Raymond Boynton left the camp with the others about three-fifteen. Mrs Boynton was then alive and well. Before long Raymond and Sarah King had a tête-à-tête interview. Then he left her. According to him, he returned to the camp at ten minutes to six. He went up to his mother, exchanged a few words with her, then went to his tent and afterwards down to the marquee. He says that at ten minutes to six, Mrs Boynton was alive and well.
‘But we now come to a fact which directly contradicts that statement. At half-past six Mrs Boynton’s death was discovered by a servant. Miss King, who holds a medical degree, examined her body and she swears definitely that at that time, though she did not pay any special attention to the time when death had occurred, it had most certainly and decisively taken place at least an hour (and probably a good deal more) before six o’clock.
‘We have here, you see, two conflicting statements. Setting aside the possibility that Miss King may have made a mistake—’
Sarah interrupted him. ‘I don’t make mistakes. That is, if I had, I would admit to it.’
Her tone was hard and clear.
Poirot bowed to her politely.
‘Then there are only two possibilities—either Miss King or Mr Boynton is lying! Let us examine Raymond Boynton’s reasons for so doing. Let us assume that Miss King was not mistaken and not deliberately lying. What, then, was the sequence of events? Raymond Boynton returns to the camp, sees his mother sitting at the mouth of her cave, goes up to her and finds she is dead. What does he do? Does he call for help? Does he immediately inform the camp of what has happened? No, he waits a minute or two, then passes on to his tent and joins his family in the marquee and says nothing. Such conduct is exceedingly curious, is it not?’
Raymond said in a nervous, sharp voice:
‘It would be idiotic, of course. That ought to show you that my mother was alive and well as I’ve said. Miss King was flustered and upset and made a mistake.’
‘One asks oneself,’ said Poirot, calmly sweeping on, ‘whether there could possibly be a reason for such conduct? It seems, on the face of it, that Raymond Boynton cannot be guilty, since at the only time he was known to approach his stepmother that afternoon she had already been dead for some time. Now, supposing, therefore, that Raymond Boynton is innocent, can we explain his conduct?
‘And I say, that on the assumption that he is innocent, we can! For I remember that fragment of conversation I overheard. “You do see, don’t you, that she’s got to be killed?” He comes back from his walk and finds her dead and at once his guilty memory envisages a certain possibility. The plan has been carried out—not by him—but by his fellow planner. Tout simplement—he suspects that his sister, Carol Boynton, is guilty.’
‘It’s a lie,’ said Raymond in a low, trembling voice.
Poirot went on: ‘Let us now take the possibility of Carol Boynton being the murderess. What is the evidence against her? She has the same highly-strung temperament—the kind of temperament that might see such a deed coloured with heroism. It was she to whom Raymond Boynton was talking that night in Jerusalem. Carol Boynton returned to the camp at ten minues past five. According to her own story she went up and spoke to her mother. No one saw her do so. The camp was deserted—the boys were asleep. Lady Westholme, Miss Pierce and Mr Cope were exploring caves out of sight of the camp. There was no witness of Carol Boynton’s possible action. The time would agree well enough. The case, then, against Carol Boynton is a perfectly possible one.’ He paused. Carol had raised her head. Her eyes looked steadily and sorrowfully into his.
‘There is one other point. The following morning, very early, Carol Boynton was seen to throw something into the stream. There is reason to believe that that something was a hypodermic syringe.’
‘Comment?’ Dr Gerard looked up surprised. ‘But my hypodermic was returned. Yes, yes, I have it now.’
Poirot nodded vigorously.
‘Yes, yes. This second hypodermic, it is very curious—very interesting. I have been given to understand that this hypodermic belonged to Miss King. Is that so?’
Sarah paused for a fraction of a second.
Carol spoke quickly: ‘It was not Miss King’s syringe,’ she said. ‘It was mine.’
‘Then you admit throwing it away, mademoiselle?’
She hesitated just a second.
‘Yes, of course. Why shouldn’t I?’
‘Carol!’ It was Nadine. She leaned forward, her eyes wide and distressed. ‘Carol…Oh, I don’t understand…’
Carol turned and looked at her. There was something hostile in her glance.
‘There’s nothing to understand! I threw away an old hypodermic. I never touched the—the poison.’
Sarah’s voice broke in: ‘It is quite true what Miss Pierce told you, M. Poirot. It was my syringe.’
Poirot smiled.
‘It is very confusing, this affair of the hypodermic—and yet, I think, it could be explained. Ah, well, we have now two cases made out—the case for the innocence of Raymond Boynton—the case for the guilt of his sister Carol. But me, I am scrupulously fair. I look always on both sides. Let us examine what occurred if Carol Boynton was innocent.
‘She returns to the camp, she goes up to her stepmother, and she finds her—shall we say—dead! What is the first thing she will think? She will suspect that her brother Raymond may have killed her. She does not know what to do. So she says nothing. And presently, about an hour later, Raymond Boynton returns and having presumably spoken to his mother, says nothing of anything being amiss. Do you not think that then her suspicions would become certainties? Perhaps she goes to his tent and finds there a hypodermic syringe. Then, indeed, she is sure! She takes it quickly and hides it. Early in the morning she flings it as far away as she can.
‘There is one more indication that Carol Boynton is innocent. She assures me when I question her that she and her brother never seriously intended to carry out their plan. I ask her to swear—and she swears immediately and with the utmost solemnity that she is not guilty of the crime! You see, that is the way she puts it. She does not swear that they are not guilty. She swears for herself, not her brother—and thinks that I will not pay special attention to the pronoun.
‘Eh bien, that is the case for the innocence of Carol Boynton. And now let us go back a step and consider not the innocence but the possible guilt of Raymond. Let us suppose that Carol is speaking the truth, that Mrs Boynton was alive at five-ten. Under what circumstances can Raymond be guilty? We can suppose that he killed his mother at ten minutes to six when he went up to speak to her. There were boys about the camp, true, but the light was fading. It might have been managed, but it then follows that Miss King lied. Remember, she came back to the camp only five minutes after Raymond. From the distance she would see him go up to his mother. Then, when later she is found dead, Miss King realizes that Raymond has killed her, and to save him, she lies—knowing that Dr Gerard is down with fever and cannot expose her lie!’
‘I did not lie!’ said Sarah clearly.
‘There is yet another possibility. Miss King, as I have said, reached the camp a few minutes after Raymond. If Raymond Boynton found his mother alive, it may have been Miss King who administered the fatal injection. She believed that Mrs Boynton was fundamentally evil. She may have seen herself as a just executioner. That would equally well explain her lying about the time of death.’
Sarah had grown very pale. She spoke in a low, steady voice.
‘It is true that I spoke of the expediency of one person dying to save many. It was the Place of Sacrifice that suggested the idea to me. But I can swear to you that I never harmed that disgusting old woman—nor would the idea of doing so ever have entered my head!’
‘And yet,’ said Poirot softly, ‘one of you two must be lying.’

Raymond Boynton shifted in his chair. He cried out impetuously:
‘You win, M. Poirot! I’m the liar. Mother was dead when I went up to her. It—it quite knocked me out. I’d been going, you see, to have it out with her. To tell her that from henceforth I was a free agent. I was—all set, you understand. And there she was—dead! Her hand all cold and flabby. And I thought—just what you said. I thought maybe Carol—you see, there was the mark on her wrist—’
Poirot said quickly: ‘That is the one point on which I am not completely informed. What was the method you counted on employing? You had a method—and it was connected with a hypodermic syringe. That much I know. If you want me to believe you, you must tell me the rest.’
Raymond said hurriedly: ‘It was a way I read in a book—an English detective story—you stuck an empty hypodermic syringe into someone and it did the trick. It sounded perfectly scientific. I—I thought we’d do it that way.’
‘Ah,’ said Poirot. ‘I comprehend. And you purchased a syringe?’
‘No. As a matter of fact I pinched Nadine’s.’
Poirot shot a quick look at her. ‘The syringe that is in your baggage in Jerusalem?’ he murmured.
A faint colour showed in the young woman’s face.

‘I—I wasn’t sure what had become of it,’ she murmured. Poirot murmured: ‘You are so quick-witted, madame.’


A Caribbean Mystery A Case of Identity A Hercule Poirot Mystery A Miss Marple Mystery A Murder Is Announced A Pocket Full of Rye A Scandal in Bohemia A Study in Scarlet A Tommy and Tuppence Mystery After the Funeral Agatha Christie An Autobiography And Then There Were None Appointment with Death Arthur Conan Doyle At Bertram’s Hotel Black Coffee By the Pricking of My Thumbs Cards on the Table Cat Among the Pigeons His Last Bow M.D. PART I. The Reminiscences of Watson PART I.The Tragedy of Birlstone PART II. The Country of the Saints PART II.The Scowrers Sherlock Holmes Silver Blaze Story The 4:50 from Paddington The Adventure of Black Peter The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place The Adventure of the Abbey Grange The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans The Adventure of the Cardboard Box The Adventure of the Copper Beeches The Adventure of the Creeping Man The Adventure of the Dancing Men The Adventure of the Devil's Foot The Adventure of the Dying Detective The Adventure of the Empty House The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez The Adventure of the Lion's Mane The Adventure Of The Mazarin Stone The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor The Adventure of the Norwood Builder The Adventure of the Priory School The Adventure of the Red Circle The Adventure of the Retired Colourman The Adventure of the Second Stain The Adventure of the Six Napoleons The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist The Adventure of the Speckled Band The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire The Adventure of the Three Gables The Adventure of the Three Garridebs The Adventure of the Three Students The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Blanched Soldier The Boscombe Valley Mystery The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes The Crooked Man The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax The Final Problem The Five Orange Pips The Gloria Scott The Greek Interpreter The Hound of the Baskervilles The Illustrious Client The Man with the Twisted Lip The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes The Musgrave Ritual The Naval Treaty The Problem of Thor Bridge The Red-Headed League The Reigate Squires The Resident Patient The Return of Sherlock Holmes The Sign of the Four The Stock-Broker's Clerk The Valley of Fear The Yellow Face Vermissa